We pride ourselves on the promotion of a diverse and interconnected residence community that has a strong emphasis on providing students with the opportunity for growth and development.
Important Tips and Info
Upcoming Events
Getting Involved
The Residence experience can look however you want it to look! Looking to get involved? Check out our opportunities for student engagement!
Resident Advisors (RAs)
Resident Advisors are upper year students in Residence who work to create an inclusive, fun, and safe environment here at your new home at Canadore. They run weekly social and academic events as well as act as student mentors in residence and conduct nightly rounds of our buildings to ensure the safety and security of all residents. Interested in becoming a Residence Advisor? Learn more HERE
Resident’s Council
Resident’s Council is a student-led volunteer initiative of students in residents who look to improve the experience of their fellow students. Resident’s council plan monthly events based on student recommendations and act as student advocates in residence.
Residence Events and Programming
Canadore Residence is proud to offer more than 2 programs a week throughout the academic year, including social, skill building, harm reduction, and academic programs. Check out your residence email or ask your Residence Advisor what events are happening this month, we are sure you’ll be interested!