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Event Agenda

10:00 a.m. - Event Check-In
Guests are invited to check in and network with fellow attendees.

10:30 a.m. - Opening Ceremony
Join us for a meaningful Indigenous Prayer, marking the start of our event, paying tribute to the rich heritage of the Anishinaabeg people and acknowledging the land on which Canadore College resides.

10:45 a.m. - Opening Remarks
Hear from our Curator and Senior Executive Team as they share insights and a heartfelt welcome, setting the stage for the captivating talks, engaging discussions, and networking opportunities that await.

Talk 1: Extending our reach into the Virtual World by Vincent John Vincent, CEO/President and Co-founder - GestureTek Inc. & VJV Interactive Consultants Inc.

With the dawning of the Virtual World, an array of types of Digital Reality experiences that come to us through Immersive rooms, head-mounted displays, and our computer and TV screens, it is important that we are able interact in these spaces as naturally as we do in the real world. Advancing Video Gesture Control is the most important solution to empower our future Meta-Verse experiences.

With the dawning of Virtual Reality World Experiences, it is important that we are able interact in these spaces as naturally as we do in the real world. Advancing Video Gesture Control is the most important solution to empower our future Meta-Verse experiences.

Talk 2: The Audacity of Hope by Larry O’Reilly - CEO & Director - ARHT Media

In this inspiring TED talk, Larry O'Reilly shares his remarkable journey from a small-town boy in North Bay, Ontario, to becoming a leader in global industries like IMAX and holographic technology. Drawing on personal stories from his childhood, career, and encounters with icons like James Cameron and President Zelensky, Larry reveals how the power of audacity and belief can open doors to unimaginable opportunities. Through humorous, heartfelt, and candid anecdotes, he demonstrates that no matter where you come from, success is possible if you dare to dream and seize the moments that matter.

Join Larry as he explores how a passion for sales, an unshakable confidence, and the ability to create opportunities shaped his life and career, inspiring all to believe that when you have nothing to lose, you have nothing holding you back.

Talk 3: Our Place in This World by Bill Buxton, Innovation Advocate and Human-Computer Interaction Expert

One need not be a genius to perceive the extent to which the human-made technologies impact our lives.  But how? In what direction?

If one listens to the mission statements of those who create these technologies, one might be tempted to believe that the primary intent is to make the world a better place - to such an extent that it has become a cliché, reflected in the HBO mockumentary Silicon Valley.  So what is your perception of how things are going?  Mine echoes a quote from one of my heroes, the historian of technology Melvin Kranzberg, who’s 1st (of 7) laws states:

Technology is neither good nor bad; nor is it neutral.

In short, all technology has been, and will be, combination of the two.  Hence, given the propensity, inevitability, and (for survival), necessity, to make new technologies, the state of the world suggests that – to tip the scales ever more towards the positive side of the equation - we invest far more in informing the technological decisions which me make – as consumers, creators, legislators, … especially given the seemingly ever-more fragile state of the world. 

Of course, I’m going to explain how to make this all happen in my 15 minutes of fame. (Not!). What I can promise, however, is to pass-on a torch of clues which have greatly helped me along the path of my career. That torch-passing, by the way, illustrated one of my key points.

Stick with me.  My operational definition of the act of creativity is the act of making the obvious obvious, before it’s obvious.  I’ll do my best to make it so.