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The Indigenous Circle on Education

The Indigenous Circle on Education (ICE)

The ICE provides expertise and acts as a resource to Canadore College to ensure access to culturally supportive education and training. 

ICE provides quality student support services and programs with stringent guidelines accountable to the grassroots within Canadore's Framework for Education and Training Relationships.

1.0       Philosophy and Vision:

The Indigenous Circle on Education (ICE) is brought together to ensure that Indigenous learners are supported in their aspirations at Canadore College and to provide strategic direction to the college in the meaningful engagement of the Indigenous community. Indigenous refers to the original peoples - First Nation, Métis and Inuit peoples.

As representatives of the Indigenous and college community, our role is to build and support a continuum of education that empowers Indigenous learners, communities and their organizations.

We represent a direct link to Aboriginal community by way of our mandated participation on the Indigenous Circle in Education. We are responsible for effective communication and dialogue with the community we represent. We promote and facilitate opportunities for our communities and Canadore to engage with one another in creating meaningful change to meet the needs of Indigenous learners, communities and organizations.

As a Circle representative of the region, we aspire to support one another as professional colleagues, develop our expertise and provide strategic leadership and direction to Canadore College in our work.

2.0       Purpose:

The purpose of the Indigenous Circle on Education is to ensure continuous progress is made toward achieving measureable outcomes in Indigenous education at Canadore College, including Indigenous services, programs and outreach activities within the purview of Canadore College's Framework for Education and Training Relationships with Indigenous Nations and Indigenous students. As an advisory to the President the Indigenous Circle on Education fulfills the following. 

3.0       Mandate:

The role and scope of responsibilities of the Indigenous Circle on Education (ICE) is to advise the President on strategic direction for the college to enhance the ongoing partnership between Canadore College and the Indigenous community for the purposes of addressing the aspirations of the Indigenous Education Protocol by making recommendations to address the following: 

  • 3.1   Making Indigenous education a priority. 
  • 3.2   Ensuring the college’s governance structures recognize and respect Indigenous peoples.
  • 3.3   Those intellectual and cultural traditions of Indigenous peoples are reflected through curriculum and learning approaches relevant to learners and communities.
  • 3.4   Support for students and employees to increase understanding reciprocity among Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.
  • 3.5   Increasing the number of Indigenous employees with ongoing appointments throughout the institution, including Indigenous senior administrators.
  • 3.6   Establish Indigenous-centered holistic services and learning environments for learner success.
  • 3.7   Build relationships and be accountable to Indigenous communities in support of self- determination through education, training and established research.

4.0       Profile:

The Circle is composed of select individuals, representative of our region and the communities in which our learners come from. They are formally mandated by their respective organizations and/or communities. They represent a wide breadth of skill, knowledge and expertise and are recruited to the Circle in recognition of such attributes.

5.0       The Circle:

The Circle is composed of representatives of Indigenous communities including urban, rural and remote settings, Indigenous organizations serving First Nation, Métis and Inuit peoples. Circle representatives are recruited to fulfill various expertise required to ensure a wholistic approach to addressing Indigenous education and training priorities as identified by the Circle. Members are appointed by their respective Indigenous organizations and/or community; and demonstrate their ongoing commitment through regular attendance and participation.

6.0       Membership of the Circle:

The Indigenous Circle on Education consists of representatives from Indigenous organizations and First Nations representative of the region and home communities of our students. The ICE consists of representatives from First Nation as well as additional members in accordance with the following:

  • 6.1   All First Nations are eligible for membership. Those First Nations within the surrounding areas serviced by Canadore’s campuses and/or home communities of Canadore students are especially encouraged to consider becoming a member of  ICE.
  • 6.2   Recognized Métis communities are also eligible for membership, especially those within the surrounding area and/or home communities of our students.
  • 6.3   Indigenous organizations with a direct mandate relating to Indigenous youth, education or training are eligible for membership.
  • 6.4   Indigenous students in good academic standing selected by the Indigenous student body may also be members of ICE.
  • 6.5   Membership also welcomes an Elder designated to support the work of ICE in all its meetings and serve as ex-officio, non-voting member.
  • 6.6   President and other college senior officers including Vice President Strategic Enrolment & Student Services, Vice President Academic and Director of the First Peoples’ Centre serve as ex-officio, non-voting members of ICE.
  • 6.7   From time to time, as required and/or requested by ICE, resource people are invited to the ICE meetings for a particular purpose to ensure informed decision making and appropriate access to information.
  • 6.8   Membership of the Circle will be reviewed and updated annually at the first meeting of the Circle of the academic year. 

7.0       Consensus

  • 7.1   Decision making is determined by consensus.
  • 7.2   Consensus is defined as a process whereby all members will speak to an issue and be heard. Dissenting points of view will be expressed and discussed. Agreement and collaboration shall be sought among the group but when consensus is not reached, a decision will be made that enables all members to be comfortable with the outcome. 

8.0       Conflict of Interest

ICE members who may have a direct or indirect interest in any existing or proposed contract, transaction or arrangement with Canadore College and ICE, shall declare conflict of interest and remove him/herself from the ICE until the matter has been discussed and resolved for that portion of the ICE meeting. The Chair of the ICE shall call for conflict of interest of ICE at the commencement of each ICE meeting upon review and acceptance of the agenda.

  • 8.1   If it is determined by ICE that a member has failed to report a conflict of interest, the following progressive action will be taken to resolve matter:
    • 8.1.1   At the first instance of undeclared conflict of interest, the Chair shall meet with the member to resolve matter
    • 8.1.2   At a second instance of undeclared conflict of interest, the member shall address the Indigenous Circle of Education as a whole,
    • 8.1.3   At a third instance the member shall be removed from ICE
  • 8.2   No existing full time staff and faculty of the college can be a member of ICE; however, former full time staff and faculty who have been away from the college for 2 calendar years or more, can be a member of ICE.

9.0       Electronic Voting:

At the discretion of the Chair, or with the consent of the Chair, and for matters of an urgent nature, OR time sensitive matters OR where it would be more expeditious to do so OR when it is not feasible for the ICE to meet in person or via teleconference, email polling and/or electronic voting may be used to help facilitate decisions of ICE. 

10.0     Resources:

Canadore College is committed to supporting ICE through the provision of assigned human resources and to work with ICE to identify additional resources and funding to create stable, sustainable, and continuous programming. The First Peoples’ Centre will provide a recording secretary for all meetings and additional resources.

11.0     Meetings of the Circle and the Institution:

The Indigenous Circle on Education will convene a minimum of two (2) times annually and, all meetings will be open for delegations to present their ideas and suggestions. 

12.0     Chair and Vice-Chair:

The Circle will appoint a Chair as well as an alternate Chair annually at the first meeting of each academic year (September). 

13.0     Quorum:

A quorum shall consist of 50% plus one of voting members from Indigenous Organizations and First Nations. 

14.0     Review of Terms of Reference:

The terms of reference are subject to the approval of the Board of Governors and may be reviewed from time to time as deemed appropriate by ICE. 

15.0     Vacancies:

ICE members are responsible for appointing and maintaining on-going representation on ICE. The College in consultation with ICE may recruit members from various Indigenous organizations and/or communities to address identified expertise and representation as required.

16.0      Evaluation:

The terms of reference will be reviewed every three years.

Members of the Indigenous Circle on Education

Beverly Carter-Roy

Kenjgewen Teg

Kelly Gratton

Kenjgewen Teg

Catherine Pawis

Wasauksing First Nation

Colleen Wassegijig-Migwans

Wii-ni n’guch-tood Labour Market Services (WLMS)

Donna Forget

True Self

Marianne Daur

North Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre

Mindy Taylor

Anishinabek Educational Institute

Geraldeana Goulais

Nipissing First Nation

Nancy Allaire

Nipissing First Nation Education

Martha Restoule

Dokis First Nation

Melanie Rose

Mattawa Metis Nation of Ontario

Susan Van Del Russel

NB Metis Nation Council

Suzanne Brant

First Nations Technical Institute


Long Point First Nation

Lorraine Liberty


For more information about ICE please contact:

Judy Manitowabi
Director, First Peoples' Centre and Indigenous Engagement
705.474.7600 Ext. 5966