This space outlines the processes for program development, course outline development, course development, and lesson planning at Canadore College. You will also find a list of resources for faculty guidance and support.
If you would like individualized assistance or have a general inquiry, please reach out to us at
Program Development
Program development is the process of creating a new program (e.g. diploma, certificate). There are four phases in Canadore’s new program development process:
Phase 1. Idea Generation
Phase 2: Proposal Development
Phase 3: Approval
Phase 4: Implementation
At Canadore, College Academic Leads and the Senior Executive Team work closely with the Academic Centre of Excellence (ACE), industry partners, and subject matter experts to develop and implement new programs that align with the following:
Course Outline Development
Course outlines are “road maps” to courses that detail what a course is about, prerequisite courses, course learning outcomes (CLOs), program learning outcomes (PLOs), and essential employability skills (EESs). Course outlines also list evaluations, learning resources, activities, and mode (e.g. face-to-face, online) for a course.
Course outlines are developed for every new program while existing course outlines undergo an annual review by faculty as part of the Annual Review of Curriculum (ARC) process to ensure they are current and up-to-date.
Course outlines can be viewed on the Course Outlines website.
Course Development
Course development is the carefully planned structuring of a course so that the course learning outcomes (CLOs), instruction, and assessments align. Canadore applies a multi-step process to course development:
Step 1: Review the Course Outline, course learning outcomes (CLOs), and other expectations for the course.
Step 2: Develop assessments that align to the College’s Assessment and Evaluation of Student Learning Policy.
Step 3: Select learning resources that support mastery of the CLOs.
Step 4: Sequence learning into units of study that map to the CLOs and complete the Section Specific Information document with clear course timelines and expectations.
Step 5: Populate the course shell as per the Learning Management System (LMS) Usage Policy.
Step 6: Deliver and revise the course as needed.
Lesson Planning
Lesson planning facilitates student learning in a set class period, lab or other type of learning experience. Lesson plans outline the following:
- Course learning outcomes (CLOs)
- Required learning resources, environment setup, and accommodations for student learning needs
- Introduction to bridge-in and capture student attention
- Application of active and engaging learning activities
- Consolidation of lesson content to reinforce or demonstrate CLOs
- Closing to both summarize the lesson, and outline next steps
A lesson plan template, instructions, and examples for use are available in the FAC100: Teaching & Learning Support course.
Faculty Guidance and Support
Program Development
Course Outline Development
- FAC100: Teaching & Learning Support
- iCan Course Outline System
Course Development
- FAC100: Teaching & Learning Support
- NUT100 The iLearn Nutshell
Course Set-Up module
Lesson Planning