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Canadore College embracing sustainable practices on campus and across the region

Apr 21, 2022 | Cindy Males, Public Relations and Communications Specialist

Canadore College is marking Earth Day 2022 ready to embark on several key initiatives aimed at creating campus sustainability, food security, and clean water.  

This spring, Canadore plans to plant two orchards – one at the College Drive Residence and the other at the Commerce Court Campus -- and will provide support to a third orchard at the Nipissing Serenity Hospice. 

It will take a few years for those trees to bear fruit.  In the meantime Canadore is proceeding with other food security programs and its Clean Water Initiative.

“Clean water and food security work hand in hand,” says Angela Proudfoot, Canadore’s Sustainable Food and Clean Water Project Administrator.  “Imagine growing food in our area all year round without having to worry about freshness, shipping, or higher costs due to fuel prices, and the low impact we will have on the environment.”

“Canadore College is committed to sustainable development. In 2021 we made a commitment to plant trees and other vegetation on our campus sites that support a long-term view of food sovereignty and production for our region,” said Shawn Chorney, Vice President Strategic Infrastructure, Indigenous and Learner Services. “The orchards, and our external campus environment, are becoming living labs to enhance student learning and immersive applied research experiences.”

“Our goal is to create food sovereignty and provide a replicable solution that displaces fossil fuels and feeds communities in need,” said Jesse Russell, Canadore’s Sustainable Development Project Leader.  “Our demonstration site, which utilizes solar power generation and battery storage, will be an attractive option for some Indigenous communities that rely on diesel generators to produce electricity.”

Canadore is investing in a sustainable food development site – the Controlled Environment Agriculture Centre of Excellence -- that will house grow pods to produce fruits and vegetables.  The grow pods have already produced their first yield -- herbs for the College’s Culinary programs for students to use in preparing meals. This is a huge step to proving the idea that off-grid grow pods will work. 

Canadore’s Clean Water Initiative includes a plan to construct an operational water treatment facility on the College Drive Campus.  The long-term goal is to have the facility paired with training programs and curricula tailored to Indigenous needs, including traditional teaching and a learning lodge.

“We aim to shift views that water is a commodity, inspire the next generation of water treatment professionals, and provide lasting solutions to First Nation communities which are long overdue,” said Russell. 

“Canadore College is guided by many stakeholders, including Knowledge Gifters and Indigenous educational leaders, and we are extremely grateful for their generosity of time and knowledge,” said Chorney.  “Our ongoing efforts to be carbon neutral by 2031 are multifaceted, and will combine land and water stewardship with upstart technologies to reach our goals.”

Canadore is planning its first Sustainability Summit in partnership with Earth in a Nest, acoalition of eco-age friendly businesses who follow the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.  The two-day hybrid event is set for May 31 and June 1, 2022, and is aimed at promoting sustainable development in the community. 

“Day one will be dedicated to individual sustainability, while day two will focus on sustainability as a business,” said Russell.  “The event will include expert speakers to emphasize realities associated with climate change and to enforce why sustainable development goals matter.  We will also hear from a panel of area businesses dedicated to sustainable practices.” 


To register for the Sustainability Summit please visit
