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ACE September Newsletter: Welcome Back! Research Office Updates
Aug 23, 2021 | Academic Centre of Excellence
Welcome back to a new academic year. Upon reflection of the previous year, our Faculty, staff, and students have had to pivot continually and adapt to new and emerging guidelines and recommendations from our public health and government officials. As a result, the Research Office has also had to pivot and refocus as we come into a new (nearly) post-pandemic world. Below are some highlights from the Research Office that will shape the work and focus as we move forward:
- Welcome to Kim Hartley: Kim is our new Research Office Assistant (see highlight article). Kim will be another support and/or resource to our faculty, staff, students and research partners. Kim has an abundance of knowledge with the research process and ethical considerations given her previous roles. Please feel free to reach out and say hello to Kim and introduce yourself.
- NSERC CCI Evolution: the National Sciences Engineering and Research Council (NSERC) has spent the last two years working through what they call the NSERC Community and College Innovation (CCI) Evolution. They are implementing a change in the number and types of grants available to College faculty and researchers as of July 2021. There will be five granting streams available, depending on the type of project being proposed.
- Applied Research and Partnership Technology Grants (ARTP): NSERC was awarded over $46 million from the federal government to invest into the College sector; as a result, a funding opportunity designed to help businesses and sectors respond to COVID-19 and expand and commercialize their products was created. The ARTP was launched August 3, 2021. There will be two rounds of competition and all colleges are encouraged to apply given the two-year limit on funding.
- Research Office Focus for 2021 and 2022: As the College moves forward, the Research Office will be working at full tilt to focus on strategic growth in both our academic and research plans, by selectively applying to grants that fit within Canadore’s priorities. The Research Office is looking to support good ideas that come from you, the faculty and staff, given your expertise and intimate working knowledge of your respective sectors.
For more information on any of these items or if have a good idea please contact the Research Office:
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