Wise Words...Looking Back
Apr 16, 2019 | Michael Belliveau, Canadore Aviation Student

Michael Belliveau, a recipient of the award last year, spoke to the group to share some wise words as he nears the end of his first semester as a Canadore Aviation student.
Good evening Associate Dean, Canadore Profs, Canadore Associates, parents, other honored guests and this years winners of the Aviation Innovator Recognition award. My name is Michael Belliveau I was one of last years recipients and am current a first year student at Canadore College in Aircraft Maintenance and Avionics. To start off I would like to congratulations to all of you. My Hope is that most of you are considering Canadore College as your post secondary education which I can confirm that a majority of you are after speaking with you earlier. Tonight you received this award because of your interests in aviation whether that interest is new or old and I hope this award becomes step forward for you into the world of aviation.
My first Interaction with Canadore College was through the cadet program. I was an air cadet for 6 years and still work with the program today. I knew I wanted to work on aircraft but I did not know through what means or how. That is until I attended a summer course that was taught right here at Canadore college. Within the 6 week course the professors had helped me figure out that I wanted to be an aircraft maintenance engineer and further that I wanted to be a student at Canadore college.
Now one thing you will hear repeatedly throughout the night and tomorrow is that Canadore College is the best school to learn about aircraft maintenance. And the evidence of this being this true is almost immeasurable. Canadore College’s state of the art facilities equipment and the professors here offer knowledge and experience like no where else. I could literally go on all night but for now I ask you simply to look around. This hangar is ours to learn with as students it is a teaching aid like nothing else. What I really to talk about is what is it like to be a student here. Environment, classes, etc
If I could say my favorite part about being a Canadore College student at aviation campus is the overall environment here. And when I say that I mean it past working in an actual hangar on actual aircraft which absolutely awesome by the way. What makes being apart of this campus so great beside the awesome toys is the people you will have the opportunity to work with. When you are here weather your fundamentals, structures, avionics and of course aircraft maintenance. Your working towards the same goal. To work and a part of the prestigious craft of aviation your never alone on your journey here. Your not just a student here your apart of an ambitious team who want to learn. And that is really felt everyone works together, helps each other out whether your 1st , 2nd , or 3rd years in. it’s learning environment like no other. Another contributing factor is of course the professors. Your professor’s are all experience in the aviation fields I spoke of before. I can say the knowledge they offer about the craft of aviation is like nothing else. Above all though if you are studying here and find yourself having difficulty ask for help they will help you and give you the tools to succeed all you need is the want. And that’s my final point I want to go over. The classes here offer a rich education in aviation. Physics, Electricity, Maintenance, Composites, Structures it’s all super interesting and engaging but its not easy at times. I can assure you one thing though. If you have want, take the steps to succeed, ask for help, get a tutor etc. you will succeed here. There is nothing more satisfying then swiping on your phone to see you got a great mark on an exam or even better, the feeling I had when I realised I passed my first college course aerodynamics. It was like nothing I can describe.
I hope my speech helped some of you possibly make a decision here tonight and I hope perhaps I answered some questions you didn’t know you had. I hope to see you in the halls of Canadore College Aviation Campus in Sept 2019 Take Care Everyone.