Designing Kitchens and Bathrooms

14 weeks Course


This course will cover the details required to plan and design kitchens and bathrooms for today's homes. The history of these two rooms will be reviewed and how they have changed in importance in our homes. The student will learn the basics of cabinet styles, lighting requirements, appliances and current trends in kitchen and bathroom design. Through learning minimum space requirements, counter and backsplashes options and work triangles they will be able to achieve a practical and functional application to planning these important rooms.


ITD100 Introduction to Interior Decorating; ITD120 Colour and Application; ITD105 Floor Plans, Space Planning and Presentations

 We recommend that you use a computer to complete the online registration process as you may encounter an error if using a device such as a phone or tablet. If you have already encountered an error when registering please contact us:

Admissions Office

Continuing Education Office

705.474.7600 ext. 5123

705.474.7600 ext. 5601

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Most college level courses require textbooks; textbooks are not included in the course fees. It is the student’s responsibility to purchase any required textbooks.

Textbooks are available at the Campus Shop for in class, Contact North, and iLearn/D2L courses. The Campus Shop does not carry most OntarioLearn textbooks. OntarioLearn textbooks can be purchased at

Learning outcomes represent culminating demonstrations of learning and achievement. In addition, learning outcomes are interrelated and cannot be viewed in isolation of one another. As such, they should be viewed as a comprehensive whole. They describe performances that demonstrate that significant integrated learning by graduates of the program has been achieved.