International Business

14 weeks Course


Through the study of international companies, students examine the terminology of international business. Students will explore the influence of forces such as culture, economics, politics, and geography on business and markets. Students are also introduced to relevant international organizations including the World Bank, the World Trade Organization (WTO), and the International Monetary Fund. Canadian government policy affecting international business is also examined as part of this course.

Applicants must be a graduate of a college or university diploma or degree program or possess equivalent work-related experience and training.

We recommend that you use a computer to complete the online registration process as you may encounter an error if using a device such as a phone or tablet. If you have already encountered an error when registering please contact us:

Admissions Office

Continuing Education Office

705.474.7600 ext. 5123

705.474.7600 ext. 5601

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Most college level courses require textbooks; textbooks are not included in the course fees. It is the student’s responsibility to purchase any required textbooks.

Textbooks are available at the Campus Shop for in class, Contact North, and iLearn/D2L courses. The Campus Shop does not carry most OntarioLearn textbooks. OntarioLearn textbooks can be purchased at

Learning outcomes represent culminating demonstrations of learning and achievement. In addition, learning outcomes are interrelated and cannot be viewed in isolation of one another. As such, they should be viewed as a comprehensive whole. They describe performances that demonstrate that significant integrated learning by graduates of the program has been achieved.

Program Vocational Learning Outcomes

  1. Interpret and record business transactions, and prepare basic financial statements.
  2. Integrate knowledge of capital investments, credit planning, and finance into relevant aspects of work.
  3. Utilize the concepts and business applications of computer information systems.
  4. Adhere to the concepts of organizational behaviour, and apply decision-making and problem solving techniques in formulating business policy.
  5. Apply the concepts of human resource management and organizational behaviour to establish and maintain effective working relationships.
  6. Analyze a marketing situation and develop appropriate advertising recommendations and sales promotion strategies.
  7. Compare and contrast various pricing strategies and their effects on sales and profits.
  8. Prepare and deliver a sales presentation.
  9. Utilize effective oral and written communications in all aspects of work completed.
  10. Apply effective interpersonal skills.
  11. Articulate various economic principles and their relationship to business.
  12. Complete all work according to relevant and accepted business ethics and within the scope of corporate responsibility.

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