Professionalism (Badge)

7 weeks Microcredential


When providing client care, you want to present as a professional that is there to provide compassionate care while maintaining the focus of DIPPS. DIPPS is an acronym that is used to remind you that the focus of your care should be on maintaining a client’s Dignity, their Independence, their Privacy, their Preferences, and their Safety. In all aspects of care, DIPPS should be at the forefront of your mind so that you remember to preserve these elements for your client at all times.

This 10 hour badge is focusing on professionalism because you have not chosen a job, you have chosen a profession. You will be representing your health care team to your client, and you will be representing your client to the health care team. In many cases, you will have more interactions with your client than any other member of your team. You want to make sure that you are presenting yourself in a respectable way and this badge will help you develop the skills you need to do so.

Cost: $87.20

You may enroll in a Continuing Education course at Canadore College if you are 19 years of age or older or if you have earned an Ontario Secondary School Diploma/Ontario Secondary School Graduation Diploma or equivalent.

Click here to Register Now

Note - This course is designed as a self-paced delivery offering.

1.       Professionalism and What it Means in the Scope of Practice for a PSW

2.       Building and Maintaining Professional Boundaries and Relationships

3.       Developing Professional Communication Skills

4.       Professional Development/Mentorship

5.       Advocacy

6.    Confidentiality